Throughout our lives we experience and live through a plethora of universes. This blog is my way of putting into perspective what I gain or lose through each phase. Clarity of thoughts provides clarity in life and I am here to make things a little more clear. 

Some days leave us feeling satisfied and blissful. On these days, we have a purpose, a sense of belonging and contentment in our actions and our company. Here, I wish to document these days, helping me understand, a little more,  the individual elements that lead to the "happy" day.

Some days leave us feeling restless and motivated, eager to prove to ourselves and the world, our worth and potential. It doesn't take  much to stimulate our minds, even a tweet or a story does the trick. Here, I wish to recognize, a little more, these incidents that encourage and stimulate personal growth. 

Some days leave us feeling dejected and miserable. They make us question our worth and belittle our existence, lonely and sorrowful, we allow them to settle in our minds and slowly control our being. Here, I wish to break down, a little more, what leads to such misery and distress with the hope of regaining control.

In essence, I am here to appreciate, a little more, every day and every event of my life. Realizing that all such days contribute to a healthy and normal and wholesome life.


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